Written by: School Life

A Courtly Life

They certainly are a privelaged bunch. Children and staff practically break into song when asked about their day, which is music to one’s ears when you consider the school is only one term old. Let’s hear it from those lucky enough to spend their time in the halls, offices and classrooms of Avanti Court.


Junaida Bana – Deputy Headteacher


Junaida Bana – Deputy Headteacher

“The smell of incense wafts through the corridors and a sense of serenity descends upon me, but not for too long! After a quick check in with my partner in crime (James Biddulph – HT), I run through my diary for the day ahead and respond to emails before dashing over to the teachers for a quick greet/ everything alright kind of meet.

Meeting parents in the morning as they bring in their children is perhaps the highlight of my day. Everyone, including children, buzz with excitement. The school day officially begins!

I rotate between a couple of jobs at a time which may include meeting outside professionals, namely the school nurse, our Educational Psychologist or a quick update with the office team regarding admin tasks or attendance. Then I head off to cover a class to give some NQT time or PPA time. Depending on the day, the monitoring of a focus area takes up my time and if I am lucky I might even manage a quick cuppa to re-invigorate me. Another equally interesting aspect of my schedule is conducting a workshop for parents together with a member of staff. This gives us the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of our parents and their needs and equally they become au fait with what we as a school want to achieve. They go home feeling empowered and valued.[quote float=”left”]It all forms the rich tapestry of life at Avanti Court[/quote]

Lunch time at Avanti Court is an experience. The aroma of freshly cooked food, the buzzing of the little ones followed by the welcoming sound of cutlery is truly uplifting, but not before we thank the Almighty for his bounty. Far too quickly it is time to wish the little ones goodbye and reflect on the impact of what they have learnt for the day. Then the nitty gritty begins. Records, documents, systems and data, some emerging to be embedded and some in discussion but all forming the rich tapestry of life at Avanti Court.”


Manisha Mistry & Deepa Patel – Reception teachers

Manisha Mistry and Deepa Patel – Reception class teachers

Manisha Mistry and Deepa Patel – Reception class teachers

“It’s Monday morning. Already the weekend is far away! We get to school, ready for the week – or so we thought! It’s like something hits you when you enter a school – your mind starts racing…

“What did I put on the writing table? What do I need to photocopy? NEED TO CHECK THE PLAN!” We hurry down the corridor, checking the time, with so many questions running through our minds: kids will be in at 8.30; the outdoor area needs to be set up but it’s pouring with rain. Not forgetting we need to have a little chit chat with our colleagues, discussing how their weekend was; what they got up to and who watched X-Factor last night. All of a sudden, it’s time to greet our wonderful kids with a beaming smile. We open the doors ready for our day to begin.

We have NQT afternoon today so at least we can take a breath during this busy day. We catch up with Profile Books and some planning then realise we need to get a display up. Being an NQT at Avanti Court is a real learning journey but we know that by drawing upon each others’ experience and getting advice at the right moments, we can get through this year. And oh my gosh, our Headteacher keeps finding ways to make us dress up! First an Alien… what next?!?

We honestly don’t know what to expect – all we do know is that every day is an exciting adventure when you work in Early Years!”


Trish Johnson – Pupil Data and Admin Assistant


Trish Johnson – Pupil Data and Admin Assistant

“On a cold dark morning as the lights in the street slowly flicker on in Carlton Drive, the green gates open to welcome the staff to work. One by one the cars enter the car park. It fills up quickly, leaving only one or two parking spaces empty for people visiting the school. ‘Welcome to Avanti Court!’ shouts the sign as we walk into the warmth.

Mr Biddulph our Headteacher, is a very well educated man. His office is located on the second floor of the building and is decorated quite tastefully, though he does tend to be a hoarder of papers, files and general clutter, for which he has to be reminded “a clear desk being an open mind!” He is however, a kind and inspirational young man – although not that young!

Opposite his office is Mrs Bana, the Deputy Headteacher, an approachable lady whose caring attitude to life is well evident as she sings around the school offering peace and tranquillity like a humming bird in song. Mr Koorrich the Business & Finance Manager: a loving chap, who works hard and has a deep passion above and beyond his duties. Back downstairs to the main reception office (where life here is often described as an ‘adventure’) sits Kelly Collins front of house – a rather happy, smiley lady who’s motherly ways brings warmth and order to all who enter into the room. This is where hard work made of paper cuts, deadlines and cheer are made.[quote float=”left”]I see teachers enjoying their time with their classes and we smile together and wave, for this is, by mutual agreement, what we know as Avanti Court life![/quote]

Finally me, I’m Trish – Trish Johnson Pupil Data/Attendance Officer. No time to chat – got to meet my daily deadlines. I have targets to meet and calls to make. It doesn’t mean I am not a kind person, I’m just so!

8.20am fills up with our community and the children. Our Teachers and Teaching Assistants, ever happy and jolly, open the doors to meet them all, in the rain, snow, cold and sunshine – the happy faces of Avanti Court Primary School. Children start the day with registration at 8.30am then study time begins, the office team works hard and are greeted by smiles and welcomes from Mr Biddulph, Mrs Bana and Mr Koorrich as they in turn greet each class as they work.

10.45am break time we hear the children roar with laughter and are playing with joy. Before we realise it, it’s lunchtime. 1pm and it’s that time again – registers, learning, singing, and joy the children are happy. Often as I take a walk around, I see teachers enjoying their time with their classes and we smile together and wave, for this is, by mutual agreement, what we know as Avanti Court life!

Lights off, alarm set, doors locked, then it’s back to switching the car lights on as the gates open again and close behind us. The street lights are on and with a final look in the mirror Avanti Court fades away in the evening mist, as thoughts of our families and homes begin to fill our thoughts.”

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Tags: , Last modified: October 31, 2014