Written by: School Life

Bright Ideas

The following article appeared in the January 2013 issue of Avanti Life, available online here: avanti.org.uk/magazine


The brightness of a James Biddulph shirt is second only to the brightness of his thinking, but how are his epiphanies panning out?

Matthew Whitlock reports


James Biddulph – Headteacher at Avanti Court

PIONEERING: James Biddulph –  Headteacher at Avanti Court Primary School

You might notice that Avanti Court Primary School in Redbridge, East London gets a lot of attention this issue, but we think you’ll agree it’s well deserved. This shiny new Voluntary-Aided, state-funded school of four Reception classes and one Year 1 class opened in September 2012, occupying part of the Ilford Jewish Primary School building. Renovation work began earlier in 2012, bringing massive improvements to the classrooms and offices used by Avanti Court in preparation for its first academic year. Pupil intake will be phased over six years, in co-ordination with plans to completely renovate the building and upgrade its facilities.

Headteacher James Biddulph has taught in primary schools since 2001 and is well suited to the needs of Avanti Court and to the vision and specialisms of Avanti Schools. In 2002 his creative and successful approach to teaching gained him Advanced Skills Teachers (AST) status in Music and in 2003 he was awarded ‘Outstanding New Teacher of the Year for London’. He successfully develops creative partnerships with a number of schools and enterprises, developing the Arts to enrich the curriculum and share good practice.

His two Masters degrees focus on children’s and teachers’ perceptions of creative learning experiences. He is on the review board for the British Journal of Music Education and is a trustee of Stratford Circus (a theatre and arts space in East London). Since April 2010 he has been working on his PhD at Cambridge University focused on Creative Learning in multicultural contexts.

[quote float=”left”]I want Avanti Court to become one of the most respected and admired co-educational state schools in the UK[/quote]

James has high aspirations for his new school, wishing to instil a real love of learning that extends beyond school and into each child’s life. “We want children to feel excited about coming to school, engaged in their learning and able to articulate their views in polite and positive ways. I want learning to be irresistible.” says James, who clearly takes his responsibility very seriously.

“We work to ensure that every child is prepared to meet their life challenges, with high standards in literacy and mathematics, memorable experiences in the performing arts, together with a reflective, compassionate understanding of themselves and the communities around them. I want Avanti Court to become one of the most respected and admired co-educational state schools in the UK, not only for its place in league tables but because of the pioneering and transforming education it gives the children that come here.”

[quote float=”right”]I have never worked in a school where there is such a positive and enthusiastic parent community[/quote]

Avanti Court is only one term in, but James’ mission is well on track. Parents express genuine satisfaction with the school, seeing their children well settled, building friendships and making impressive progress. This in turn is reflected by the willingness of parents and community to support the school (see pages 12–14 for a colourful example of this!), even pledging grassroots cooperation in the opening of an Avanti secondary school in Redbridge, which provided support is unanimous could open in 2014.

James has been moved by his experiences so far. “I have never worked in a school where there is such a positive and enthusiastic parent community. Their flexibility and stalwart commitment to the school gives me courage that what we are doing is the right thing for our young people.” And there’s a lot being done.

Innovative curriculum development, campaigns such as ‘Read to Succeed’ (see issue 1) and Golden Expectations, open days, school trips, plays, dressing up days, even a visit from a local farm – all aim to enrich children’s learning experiences. After school clubs and classes are on offer to the parents as well. A January workshop called ” The Art of Teaching: The Joy of Learning” will explore ways in which parents can support a child’s learning by gaining insight and practical skills. James’ creative streak is put to good use at Avanti Court, with fresh ideas to inspire pupils emerging constantly.

The future is bright for Avanti Court Primary School and if you’re in any doubt, jump to page 12 for the review of their Diwali festival, an artful demonstration of the school’s capacity and on-going commitment to not only brighten the lives of its pupils, but the local community as well.


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