Written by: School Life

Krishna Avanti’s Got Talent

In May 2013, Krishna Avanti Primary School in Harrow held its second annual talent contest; an event that positively touched both audience and participants. Deputy Head Shriti Pandya provides more detail.


Last year’s contest took place during the day and on a much smaller scale. Since then, many pupils have asked for the competition to be held again. As a school it’s important that we celebrate the many talents of our pupils as they don’t always have the opportunity to display them – especially to a large audience.

There were over 60 acts that auditioned. Some of these were group acts, so that’s a huge response. After two rounds of auditions, we narrowed it down to 22 acts who would perform on the day. The chosen acts had two weeks to practice and three rehearsals were held in school.

[quote float=”right”]Reserved children were suddenly full of life since having the opportunity to shine[/quote]

At the conclusion of the event, trophies were presented to 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, judged for their overall performance. All other acts who performed also received a trophy, kindly donated by FOKAS – the parent group of the school. Everyone who auditioned but didn’t reach the final received a certificate, so everyone’s efforts were recognised and rewarded.

The impact of the event has been huge. Reserved children were suddenly full of life since having the opportunity to shine. As for Tegh, the winner of the show, the impact has been incredible. His class teacher is thrilled by the positive effect the contest has had on him. His peers see him differently, he tries harder in school and his overall behaviour is extremely positive.


Words from the winner

[dropcap]Hi![/dropcap]I’m Tegh – the lucky winner of ‘Krishna Avanti’s Got Talent 2013’. Furthermore, for my act I sang a song by Charlie Brown called ‘On my way’. In my words there were some great and worthy competitors such as Dia and her brother Rayan doing a Kathak and drum fusion. Another spectacular act was by Arya and Aryan Kumar dancing to Michael Jackson ‘Smooth Criminal’.

I felt royal and proud of myself. Also I was thrilled to be the winner of such an important event. I would thank my wonderful Dad Billy for standing by my side, the judges for their support and Happy the caretaker. On that special day I felt I earned that respect and I proved that everybody has talent including myself.

I felt amazed to be in such a great school that has provided this terrific event for me and the other students of Krishna Avanti to experience. For the upcoming students of Krishna Avanti, we know you have a hidden talent and if you come to this school you will be able to prove that talent which we all know you have.


Words from a runner-up

[dropcap]Hi![/dropcap]I’m Arya – runner up of Krishna Avanti’s Got Talent. As you know, me and my brother Aryan danced to the phenomenal song ‘Smooth Criminal’. I would like to say a big thank you to my brilliant Aunt who choreographed our act and my Grandma for putting so much effort into our performance.



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