Written by: School Life

Pupils Reflect on their Learning Journey

Children at Avanti Court have fun symbolising the year in a colourful and creative way but what do they say about their time at school?


[quote]I like to be with the teachers in the school because they are kind
(Diya – Shukla Class)[/quote]

[quote]I like school because it helps me learn how to write I enjoy it so much
(Devanshi – Blanco Class)[/quote]

[quote]School helps me learn my phonics
(Aiden – Blanco Class)[/quote]

[quote]I love coming to school because I like playing with my friends and I like taking away and maths
(Kayan – Balta Class)[/quote]

[quote]When I come to Avanti Court it makes me happy because I get to play with all my friends and because it makes me stronger and every time I learn I get courage!
(Lewis – Shukla Class)[/quote]

[quote]I like learning about phonics and my numbers and the little baby chicks
(Nikita – Shukla Class)[/quote]

[quote]Mr Biddulph sings lovely songs with us and we have lots of fun in Shukla Class
(Anya – Shukla Class)[/quote]

[quote]I want to play with my friends and my twin Lewis and I like to build castles and spaceships
(Rudra – Shukla Class)[/quote]

[quote]I like writing at school
(Aanya – Balta Class)[/quote]


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Tags: , Last modified: November 6, 2014