Written by: School Life

The Courage of Koorichh

Dravit Koorichh of Avanti Court reflects on his journey into teaching

What is your role at Avanti Court?

I am the school business manager. I joined to help start the school, and have loved every minute of it. There is more purpose in being a project manager where the assets are children’s learning and lives and not just figures on a spreadsheet as in my previous jobs. And being around our Avanti Court children and having the opportunity to be involved in teaching and collective worship, the realisation that this is what I wanted to do – to teach – became more apparent – and my need to act upon these feelings more necessary.

Why did your journey change direction?

Most of my career has been in project management and commissioning for public services but there was a seed of doubt about whether this was right for me. I’ve always wanted to be in contact with people in the work I do but this didn’t really satisfy me. I started exploring careers which matched my skills, my personality and my need to work with people. I volunteered at secondary schools, prior to my role at Avanti Court and was all set to become a secondary teacher in business and economics. But it still didn’t feel quite right. But for some strange reason all the opportunities I had were taken away from me: GTP at a local secondary, a Schools Direct place and a PGCE. Krishna was clear – this was not right for me.

I started at Avanti Court as business manager, sitting with the Headteacher in our local café, working out how to open up the school. I heard his passion for education at primary school and felt that this could be what I was looking for. He asked me some deep questions: “Do you want to teach subjects or the building blocks of good learning and good values; do you want to teach the same subject every day every week every year; do you want to teach a wide variety of subjects?” More and more it sounded that my nature – a generalist, jack of all trades, passionate about our values – would be more aligned with a primary setting. And so with this decision… interestingly, some doors began to open.

Why Schools Direct?

Schools Direct is a new scheme to train people to become teachers or those who want to change their career. The Wroxham Alliance & Teaching School is also inspirational – with a Headteacher who is well known nationally and when James suggested I explore this, the seeds of inspiration were sowed. I applied to the Alliance & Nottingham University and after a rigorous interview process I was given a place. So now, looking back on what I have contributed to Avanti Court as a business manager – setting up systems, learning to manage the complexity of school life, promoting the school – making it all happen, I now look to the future, to learn how to engage and inspire children to be the best they can be.

I am excited about the opportunity. This is what Avanti is all about – everyone is on their own journey of self-discovery. My new chapter is about to begin, with a Year 2 class, and I cant wait!

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