Written by: Reading Corner

The Ultimate Hinduism Handbooks

Rasamandala Das has produced two beautifully illustrated books to guide the novice and give food for thought to those more knowledgable about the traditions and culture of Hinduism – in all its guises.

Books reviewed by James Biddulph

The books are well structured, easy to navigate and seem to be well received by both staff and children. Children often turn to them when in my office to ask questions and I have heard some interesting discussions about the nature of the Divine. I found the History of Hinduism a helpful guide to understanding the cultural and historical contexts within which Hinduism grew and flourished.

The second book is more focused on faith and practice and is more about the religious tradition and practices – although always bearing in mind that with Hinduism there is never one practice but multiple practices influenced by so many factors including geography, culture, language and contextual understanding. Both available from Amazon, and well worth a read!

[box size=”normal” icon=”” border=”none”]Clicking the cover images will take you to the book’s page on Amazon.co.uk[/box]

An Illustrated History of Hinduism

An Illustrated History of Hinduism


Hinduism – Faith & Practice

Hinduism – Faith & Practice

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Tags: , , , Last modified: September 24, 2015